Thursday, February 20, 2014

A "tease" from Chapter 2 of "Surviving Disability in the U.S.A."(c) by Jerry Wolffe

“My dream is far less eloquent than the “Mountain Top” that the late Martin Luther King, Jr., saw before he was killed. Mine is simple: Let each person decide what they want to do with their lives from what clothes to wear, what to eat, who to love and where to work. I never believed the creator made anything defective, especially people, and every time someone said I had a birth defect I wanted to spit in their face. I had so much rage as a child, it is remarkable I survived, but with each passing year God tempered my soul, probably from my lying in so many hospital beds and learning to accept suffering as a normal part of my life. Pain that saps the consciousness and wipes out all other perception and sensation is outstanding in transforming someone from being arrogant to being humble and realizing our fallibility. Each day then becomes precious.”

--By Jerry Wolffe

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